
You will break
One day
You’ll crumble to dust

You’ll break
This world is relentless
You must

You’ll break
You’ll melt
Come apart at the seams
You’ll crumble
You’ll grovel
You’ll lose sight of your dreams

You’ll break
When they catch you
The guilt
The debt

You’ll break
As you’re crushed ‘neath the weight of regret

You will break
You will lose
You will fall
You will fail

You will break
Against this world you cannot prevail

You will break
In time
You’ll expire and die

You will break
In pride fall from your own sky

You will break
Whether this life or the next
But remember that every tongue must confess

Every knee must bow and proclaim
There is only one Lord
There is only one Name

There is only one purpose
Only one call
Only one life
Given to all

His ways are much higher
His thoughts are beyond
But of wider gates we find ourselves fond

You can choose to let go, can choose to obey
You can choose to walk the narrow way

Or cling to your way, your truth and your life
But remember this warning when chaos is rife

You will come to your end
You will know your mistake
You will fall to your knees
And there

You will break




